Friday, 15 July 2016



*From:*Stephen Bardsley []
*Sent:* Monday, 11 July 2016 5:06 PM
*To: <>
*Subject:* Sign the Motorcycle Petition

Luke, Roger,

Do you believe this action (Operation Motus) from the Police is justified, when evidence shows that the majority of accidents between a motorcycle and another vehicle are the fault of the driver, not the rider?

When "Operation Motus" was commenced VicPol claimed 86% of the recent 
spike in motorcycle crashes were the fault of the rider, when asked 
to provide evidence substantiating this, nothing was forthcoming.

The problem is being attacked from the wrong end, the notion that if 
motorcycling is discouraged and so less motorcycles means less 
crashes involving them, is absurd and discriminatory, but this is 
the current attitude of VicPol and VicRoads. I took the trouble to 
advise you this type of backlash was going to occur sometime ago, I 
did not receive a reply, that's OK, I appreciate you are very busy, 
but the discrimination against motorcycle riders has to stop, most 
importantly because it won't stop drivers killing and injuring 
licensed and legal motorcycle riders on Victorian roads.


Stephen Bardsley

-----Original Message-----
From: Damien Codognotto [] 
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 11:02 AM
To: Stephen Bardsley 
Subject: Re: FW: Sign the Motorcycle Petition

G'day Steve. 

I 100% support what you say about Operation Motus. In any
system where justice was for all, Operation Moptus could not exist. The 86% figure was blatant manipulation of the media/public and clearly based on prejudice not science. In other words it was propaganda.

Can I put this on facebook?


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