After 30 years of free promotion for the blood bank over summer the police withdrew
from the MRA BLOOD CHALLENGE in Victoria. The Red Cross approved. Emergency
services would have their own challenge, which never happened. The bikies could organise themselves.
The Red Cross told me there was no shortage of donors over the summer holidays.
A great community service that also promoted motorcycle & scooter safety was killed off. Other states followed.
In the summer of 2012/2013 blood stocks are running short again. In spite of the lack of a BLOOD CHALLENGE, please give blood if you can.
Call 13 14 95
Friday, 28 December 2012
1st FAIR GO RUN - MARCH 16, 2013.
Do you remember when motorcycle riders with a pillion were not allowed
to go faster than 80 kph in Victoria. Country, two-lane roads where
semis often did 120 kph, were scary. It was dangerous but no one
1st FAIR GO RUN - MARCH 16, 2013.
Do you remember when motorcycle riders with a pillion were not allowed
to go faster than 80 kph in Victoria. Country, two-lane roads where
semis often did 120 kph, were scary. It was dangerous but no one
In the 1970s there was the pillion law. And, motorcycle & scooter
learners had different speed limits to licenced riders. That meant
experienced riders could not easily teach novices on-road which was a
feature of the club scene.
learners had different speed limits to licenced riders. That meant
experienced riders could not easily teach novices on-road which was a
feature of the club scene.
And, bikes had to have front number plates. Bikes could only park in
marked car bays which drivers hated. There were moves to make riders
wear yellow and have all machines painted yellow. Similar laws and
proposals existed across Australia. And there was more planned to get
motorcycles & scooters off our roads. Antibike taxes were called for and
road authorities actively opposed rider training.
motorcycles & scooters off our roads. Antibike taxes were called for and
road authorities actively opposed rider training.
In 1978 we started the Motorcycle Riders' Association (MRA) in Melbourne.
Bikers Ltd began in Sydney that year. They were people power organisations
responding to a grass roots need. They encouraged rider involvement.
In 1980 we initiated the 10,000 BIKE RUN and worked with Bikers Ltd
and the Federation of Australian Motorcyclists (ACT) to make it happen.
We rode on Canberra to let all governments know that we were a well-organised
voting block and we were not going to take it anymore.
More than 12,000 bikes from all over Australia rolled into the nation's capital
demanding to be heard.
Bikers Ltd began in Sydney that year. They were people power organisations
responding to a grass roots need. They encouraged rider involvement.
In 1980 we initiated the 10,000 BIKE RUN and worked with Bikers Ltd
and the Federation of Australian Motorcyclists (ACT) to make it happen.
We rode on Canberra to let all governments know that we were a well-organised
voting block and we were not going to take it anymore.
More than 12,000 bikes from all over Australia rolled into the nation's capital
demanding to be heard.
Big runs demonstrated rider groups organising abilities and political muscle.
Thousands of riders in disciplined columns showed politicians that we would
would remember them at the next election and told car drivers that we have a
right to ride.
There were far fewer registered motorcycles & scooters in the 1980s but
the protest runs were much, much bigger. In the early 1980s there were about
80,000 road-registered motorcycles & scooters in Victoria. In 2012 there are
over 165,000 and 1.3 million plus nationally.
Thousands of riders in disciplined columns showed politicians that we would
would remember them at the next election and told car drivers that we have a
right to ride.
There were far fewer registered motorcycles & scooters in the 1980s but
the protest runs were much, much bigger. In the early 1980s there were about
80,000 road-registered motorcycles & scooters in Victoria. In 2012 there are
over 165,000 and 1.3 million plus nationally.
The B&W pictures are from the second pillion law protest run. It went from Melbourne
to Geelong, obeying the law, riding at 80 kph in the left lane. Traffic that usually
travelled at over 100 kph banked up as only one lane was available to pass the
column of more than 4000 bikes stretching an estimated 10 kilometres.
to Geelong, obeying the law, riding at 80 kph in the left lane. Traffic that usually
travelled at over 100 kph banked up as only one lane was available to pass the
column of more than 4000 bikes stretching an estimated 10 kilometres.
One of the pillions that day was a young back-bench MP named Jeff
Kennett. Kennett was on Chris Swalell's Kawasaki 900. As semis roared
passed in the rain Kennett came to understand why the 80 kph pillion
speed restriction was just plain dangerous (as were the differential
limits for novice riders). He took the message back to state parliament.
The 80 kph pillion law was repealed that year.
Since around 2000 rider representation became the role of the few, not the many.
Moves to bring back front number plates, make flouro gear compulsory, govern
bike motors, bring in anti-association laws, restrict Victoria's footpath parking,
separate motorcycles & scooters from car traffic and more have been made by
various authorities. TAC used our money to make a series of TV ads vilifying riders
and justifying bad/aggressive car driving. These moves are shelved, not gone.
Moves to bring back front number plates, make flouro gear compulsory, govern
bike motors, bring in anti-association laws, restrict Victoria's footpath parking,
separate motorcycles & scooters from car traffic and more have been made by
various authorities. TAC used our money to make a series of TV ads vilifying riders
and justifying bad/aggressive car driving. These moves are shelved, not gone.
Rider participation in public events dwindled. Even the BLOOD
CHALLENGE ended after 30 years in Victoria when police withdrew with
Red Cross blessing. Again this summer the blood bank is making
desperate appeals for donors as blood stocks dwindle over the
holidays. Call 13 14 95 if you think you can give blood.
The Melbourne TOY RUN is no longer in Melbourne.
Driver Awareness Rides ended.
The Melbourne TOY RUN is no longer in Melbourne.
Driver Awareness Rides ended.
The MRAV declined and became a social club! Of necessity the
Independent Riders Group (IRG), which began as a think tank around
2006, went formal on July 1, 2012.
In 2012, 400 bikes at the A'Beckett Street Protest on October 29 was considered
a reasonable show of strength. That event grew out of a facebook page. It was a
grass roots response to discrimination against motorcycle & scooter riders.
a reasonable show of strength. That event grew out of a facebook page. It was a
grass roots response to discrimination against motorcycle & scooter riders.
In December 2012 the Parliamentary Inquiry into motorcycle & scooter safety (PIMS)
delivered it's report. The recommendations are good but they are just that, recommendations.
If you don't want the recommendations brought in, DO NOTHING.
delivered it's report. The recommendations are good but they are just that, recommendations.
If you don't want the recommendations brought in, DO NOTHING.
The PIMS recommendations include abolishing the discriminatory TAC antibike tax.
This hidden TAC tax means riders pay over $70 a year on most road bikes. It was indexed by
the last government so it automatically increases every year. It is not charged on any other
vehicle. It is wrong.
This hidden TAC tax means riders pay over $70 a year on most road bikes. It was indexed by
the last government so it automatically increases every year. It is not charged on any other
vehicle. It is wrong.
If YOU want the PIMS recommendations to become realities, YOU have to use political muscle.
That means very public, on-road people power, as in the 1980s. We have to tell our politicians
that we know there's a state election in 2014 and we'll vote according to their actions
If YOU want the PIMS recommendations to become realities, YOU have to use political muscle.
That means very public, on-road people power, as in the 1980s. We have to tell our politicians
that we know there's a state election in 2014 and we'll vote according to their actions
implementing the PIMS recommendations.
We also need to send a clear road safety message to car drivers.
Too many of us are having our property smashed, our bodies broken and, too often, our lives
taken because a car driver does the wrong thing. Too often car drivers get a slap on the wrist
for it, like the cup cake killer. Take a moment to think about the last rider you visited in hospital
or the last riders' funeral you attended. We are legitimate road users who pay our way and
Too many of us are having our property smashed, our bodies broken and, too often, our lives
taken because a car driver does the wrong thing. Too often car drivers get a slap on the wrist
for it, like the cup cake killer. Take a moment to think about the last rider you visited in hospital
or the last riders' funeral you attended. We are legitimate road users who pay our way and
we demand a fair go on our roads.
The first FAIR GO RUN will be on Saturday, March 16, 2013.
Riders are invited to assemble at the BP servo on the corner of Cooper Street and Scanlon
Drive in Campbellfield - Melway map 181, reference E 11.
All welcome. The more flags and banners the better. Businesses and organisations are welcome
to attend to show solidarity with their customers.
Drive in Campbellfield - Melway map 181, reference E 11.
All welcome. The more flags and banners the better. Businesses and organisations are welcome
to attend to show solidarity with their customers.
The column will depart for the marginal seat of Seymour at 10.00 am. It is about an hour's run
up the Hume to the electorate office of Cindy McLeish MP in Wallis Street. Riders from the
north, east and west are invited to join us there. We are all in this together.
up the Hume to the electorate office of Cindy McLeish MP in Wallis Street. Riders from the
north, east and west are invited to join us there. We are all in this together.
About 11.30 am speakers will tell the government, opposition and the media what can be
done to win votes from Victoria's 326,000 strong motorcycle & scooter community.
Members from both sides of parliament will be asked to speak to the assembled riders.
done to win votes from Victoria's 326,000 strong motorcycle & scooter community.
Members from both sides of parliament will be asked to speak to the assembled riders.
After the speeches riders are invited to lunch at the Flowerdale Pub - Melway map X927,
reference J 2. The Flowerdale is the hub of some of the best riding roads in Australia.
reference J 2. The Flowerdale is the hub of some of the best riding roads in Australia.
PLEASE use this material as you see fit - put it on webistes and facebook, pin it on notice boards, email it to friends, use it in magazines and newsletters and raise it at club meetings. Get the word out there. Watch this blog for more details.
Join the IRG. It's free. You can withdraw anytime. All we need is a name, post code and email address.
Please pass this on.
Have a safe & happy new year!
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group
Monday, 24 December 2012
G'day to Ride Listeners
Thanks for your support in 2012.
Ride is taking a break until its new timeslot on Tuesday January 29 at 7pm EDT.
Hope you will join us then. In the meantime ride safe and maybe we can catch up again on February 2 at the Bathurst Street and Custom Motorcycle Show.
Saturday, 22 December 2012
VAGO - 2012
The Victorian Auditor General's Office (VAGO) audited motorcycle safety programs.
The report was released in February 2011.
The Independent Riders' Group is asking the AG to audit road signs and barriers.
We think VicRoads can use our money better to make our roads safer for ALL road users.
If you think VicRoads can do better with our money, write to the AG and ask him to audit signage and/or barriers.
Road Users are getting hit again with cost increases. More road tolls are proposed and now VicRoads will hit us with a huge increase in driver/rider licence fees.
The Victorian Auditor General should have a good look at VicRoads, especially at the way they spend our money on road furniture. We reckon signage overkill and roadside barriers cost this state more each year than Myki and the desal plant.
Victoria would run much better with cost effective road authorities.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
There were 241 comments on this article which make interesting reading. It worth noting that The Age's Drive section took a different tack on December 13 to the Herald Sun's editorial on December 14.
There were 241 comments on this article which make interesting reading. It worth noting that The Age's Drive section took a different tack on December 13 to the Herald Sun's editorial on December 14.
Monday, 17 December 2012
The Herald Sun editorial that caused all this reaction is in the first BIKE BIGOT blog. Scroll down.
If The Herald Sun does not respond we will make a formal complaint to the Australian Press Council.
Independent Riders' Group
David Reynolds commented on Wayne Nunn's post in "NO" TO UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION AGAINST MOTOR CYCLISTS.
David Reynolds
9:28pm Dec 17
I have written to the editor of the HS with appropriate CC. Here is a copy of my complaint.
Dear Editor,
I am writing to you to complain about the editorial piece, regarding motorcycle filtering, published in your newspaper on December 14, 2012.
Firstly, there are numerous inaccuracies in this piece and statements that are clearly contrary to the PIMS recommendations recently submitted to the Victorian parliament. These recommendations are well researched and put together by a diverse, well educated and experienced group.
By contrast your piece looks like it was written by a sad middle aged man who had a rough day in traffic. If he had done any research (as opposed to writing something he just lazily thought up on the spot), he would realise that there is plenty of evidence to support filtering as a safe and intelligent technique to both keep motorcyclists safe and help alleviate the traffic congestion in our city. This in turn should reduce driver frustration. The arguments could go on, but I am sure that you get the gist of what I am writing.
This alarmism appears to be a cynical attempt to undermine intelligent research into improving the safety of motorcycle riders.
By not researching properly (or indeed at all), and by attempting to sway opinion in a direction that may well jeopardise motorcyclists in this state, you show no respect or regard for your profession…..or just people.
To be honest, I have grown to accept that your newspaper has a tendency to write alarmist and inaccurate claptrap of this nature, and yet I still find myself astonished on occasion by articles such as this. This is a shame, because I once was a daily reader.
So, I ask that you please correct these mistakes and retract your inaccuracies where applicable. I would also invite you to do your job and start talking to actual researchers, people who have done their job. Write a piece that you can be proud of.
Of course I don't expect you to comply with any of my requests, so in the meantime please be assured that I will be referring to your paper as "The tabloid for the masses who dwell on the left side of the IQ bell curve".
Yours Sincerely,
Comment History
Andrew Popovic
1:21pm Dec 15
a friend said to me we should lobby the mp's that are only holding their seats by 1 - 2%
Skye Mitchell
8:10am Dec 15
They are undermining a legal process and it is deplorable they would spread such a hate mongering message toward an issue that increases motorcyclist safety. Motorists are going to consider this an acceptable attitude towards motorcyclists. I cc'd my email to I put aside my general distaste for their style of reporting to write a letter addressing what I believe were the key shortcomings of the editorial. Hopefully enough riders will do it and we will receive better press.
Damien Codognotto
7:27am Dec 15
The issue is not the quality of the Herald Sun. The issue is the damage it is doing to the credibility of the PIMS recommendations. Several of us have demanded a correction and apology from the HS editor and cc'd the Press Council. The more people that do that, the more likely we are to start getting the recommendations implemented. There's more info on the blog.
Skye Mitchell
12:47am Dec 15
I've sent my complaint ... but the Herald Fun (that's my name for them) will continue on this path of flaring up non issues. They've been doing this for a long time.
Skye Mitchell
11:56pm Dec 14
I am still seething over that tripe the Herald Sun editorial had in it. But it's not completely unexpected with that hack piece of rag.
View All Comments
Original Post
Wayne Nunn
7:00pm Dec 11
Motorcycle awareness video
7 December 2012 09:33
The best motorcycle awareness video
Length: 0:31
Dec 7, 2012 9:33am
The best motorcycle awareness video
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Please read this and pass it on.
If the December 14, 2012 Herald Sun Editorial does not meet with your approval,
write a complaint.
and cc it to
We just spent a year working with the government in Victoria trying to get a FAIR GO for riders and improve our safety on our roads.
It seems that's not important to the Herald Sun.
The Editorial in today's Herald Sun is biased and factually wrong.
That would be bad enough but it directly, negatively effects road
safety and attacks the credibility of the Victorian Parliamentary
Road Safety Committee.
Please find attached the offending editorial and two letters to the
If the Herald Sun does not fix the problem by publishing a correction
and apology to its' readers for misleading them on this road safety
matter, I would like to make a formal complaint against the paper.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group
Tel: 03 9846 8621
Page 72 - December 14, 2012.
The editor of the Herald Sun is clearly ignorant of the facts where
motorcycles & scooters in traffic are concerned.
Obviously one main contributor to road rage associated with traffic
filtering is the paper today. In an extraordinary editorial showing
contempt for the Parliamentary Road Safety Committee and apparent
prejudice against Victoria's motorcycle and scooter riders, the paper
misleads its' mostly car-driving readership.
The parliamentary report is based on over a year of good science and
hearings involving VicRoads, TAC, police and medical practitioners as
well as a wide range of stakeholders. But the editor of the Herald Sun
knows better than all of them blurting out a bias against riders
rather than a balanced view promoting road safety.
The fact is motorcycle & scooter riders are at less risk when they traffic
filter. There is no evidence from anywhere in the world that riders
crash while moving between slow moving or stationary cars on congested
roads. Crashes while traffic filtering are very rare events and likely
to be minor.
Most serious crashes are due to car driver error at intersections, when changing
lanes without looking and when bikes are hit from behind.
Riders are far safer moving to the front of lines of cars than sitting stationary
in a lane taking up most of a car space.
The fact is that motorcycles & scooters reduce traffic congestion by
leaving their cars at home, by assisting traffic flow in peak hours and they
free up parking spaces for people who have to use their cars.
The fact is that there is no specific law against traffic filtering. Various rules
about indicating and overtaking on the left (a thing that road authorities
encourage bicyclists to do) give police some excuses to book riders for a safe,
sensible practice that eases congestion and happens every day in our cities.
In my opinion, the editor of the Herald Sun using emotive phrases
like -
"...lane changers are likely to be hit by a zigzagging motorbike, with the rider being
thrown under the wheels of other cars."
"The worst offenders are often bikies on big bikes with 'gorilla' handlebars."
"Anyone who has seen a motorbike rider thrown into the air, or left sprawled unconscious
on the road, will judge this as a disastrous idea and one that's likely to add to the state's road toll."
- degrades the editorial to propaganda. This editorial is not evidence based, it's opinion/prejudice..
That's what the Road Safety Committee warned about. Road safety measures must be
evidence based.
I think the editor of the Herald Sun owes the Parliamentary Road Safety Committee an apology.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group
A paper that prides itself on "... accurate, fair and fearless
publication of news and commentary." should not have run the editorial
"LICENCE FOR ROAD CHAOS". It was factually wrong, full of biased and
emotional phrases that vilify motorcycle & scooter riders and it showed
contempt for the all-party Victorian Road Safety Committee.
There is no evidence showing traffic filtering is dangerous. It happens routinely
everyday in our cities. There is no specific lawagainst traffic filtering. Promoting
road rage is likely to add to our state's road toll. Road authorities encourage bicyclists
to traffic filter. And, in 40% of bike insurance claims the rider is hit from behind
while sitting in the lane taking up nearly as much space as a car.
Traffic filtering is a safer way for riders to travel on congested streets and it shortens
trips but it also helps traffic flow and frees up car parking space. The Road Safety Committee recommended looking at traffic filtering because it exists and could benefit all road users
if done safely.
Let's hope the Herald Sun is committed to "... the highest editorial and ethical standards."
and will "...promptly correct errors when they occur."
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders Group
This negative editorial straight after the very positive parliamentary inquiry report indicates that we have not won a FAIR GO yet. It makes the Melbourne to Seymour FAIR GO ride more important than ever. Saturday, March 16, 2013. Put it in your diaries and on club calendars. Spread the word. Lunch after wards at the Flowerdale Hotel. Publican Steve will put on a sausage sizzle.
Herald-Sun Newspaper
Dear Sir,
Your Editorial (Licence for Road Chaos - 14th Dec) is neither responsible nor evidence based. The filtering recommendation of the Vic Parliamentary Inquiry, as with many of their recommemdations, was based on the weight of evidence, experience in many European countries, and with SAFETY in mind.
In the vast majority of motorcycle accidents and fatalities involving another motor vehicle, it is the motor vehicle at fault. Filtering has been shown to be a safe practise to reduce the vulnerability of motorcyclists. Experience with congestion filtering in the UK, where it is actually promoted, with courses conducted by Police, has shown that such filtering reduces congestion by as much as 40%.
Had you taken time, as the Inquiry members did, to acsertain the facts, rather than promote road rage, you would have quickly recognised the inherent community benefits and safety features in the Committee's recommendation for filtering to enhace safe motorcycling.
Peter Baulch
Victorian Motorcycle Council
0428 246 174.
If the December 14, 2012 Herald Sun Editorial does not meet with your approval,
write a complaint.
and cc it to
We just spent a year working with the government in Victoria trying to get a FAIR GO for riders and improve our safety on our roads.
The Editorial in today's Herald Sun is biased and factually wrong.
That would be bad enough but it directly, negatively effects road
safety and attacks the credibility of the Victorian Parliamentary
Road Safety Committee.
Please find attached the offending editorial and two letters to the
If the Herald Sun does not fix the problem by publishing a correction
and apology to its' readers for misleading them on this road safety
matter, I would like to make a formal complaint against the paper.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group
Tel: 03 9846 8621
Page 72 - December 14, 2012.
The editor of the Herald Sun is clearly ignorant of the facts where
motorcycles & scooters in traffic are concerned.
Obviously one main contributor to road rage associated with traffic
filtering is the paper today. In an extraordinary editorial showing
contempt for the Parliamentary Road Safety Committee and apparent
prejudice against Victoria's motorcycle and scooter riders, the paper
misleads its' mostly car-driving readership.
The parliamentary report is based on over a year of good science and
hearings involving VicRoads, TAC, police and medical practitioners as
well as a wide range of stakeholders. But the editor of the Herald Sun
knows better than all of them blurting out a bias against riders
rather than a balanced view promoting road safety.
The fact is motorcycle & scooter riders are at less risk when they traffic
filter. There is no evidence from anywhere in the world that riders
crash while moving between slow moving or stationary cars on congested
roads. Crashes while traffic filtering are very rare events and likely
to be minor.
Most serious crashes are due to car driver error at intersections, when changing
lanes without looking and when bikes are hit from behind.
Riders are far safer moving to the front of lines of cars than sitting stationary
in a lane taking up most of a car space.
The fact is that motorcycles & scooters reduce traffic congestion by
leaving their cars at home, by assisting traffic flow in peak hours and they
free up parking spaces for people who have to use their cars.
The fact is that there is no specific law against traffic filtering. Various rules
about indicating and overtaking on the left (a thing that road authorities
encourage bicyclists to do) give police some excuses to book riders for a safe,
sensible practice that eases congestion and happens every day in our cities.
In my opinion, the editor of the Herald Sun using emotive phrases
like -
"...lane changers are likely to be hit by a zigzagging motorbike, with the rider being
thrown under the wheels of other cars."
"The worst offenders are often bikies on big bikes with 'gorilla' handlebars."
"Anyone who has seen a motorbike rider thrown into the air, or left sprawled unconscious
on the road, will judge this as a disastrous idea and one that's likely to add to the state's road toll."
- degrades the editorial to propaganda. This editorial is not evidence based, it's opinion/prejudice..
That's what the Road Safety Committee warned about. Road safety measures must be
evidence based.
I think the editor of the Herald Sun owes the Parliamentary Road Safety Committee an apology.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group
A paper that prides itself on "... accurate, fair and fearless
publication of news and commentary." should not have run the editorial
"LICENCE FOR ROAD CHAOS". It was factually wrong, full of biased and
emotional phrases that vilify motorcycle & scooter riders and it showed
contempt for the all-party Victorian Road Safety Committee.
There is no evidence showing traffic filtering is dangerous. It happens routinely
everyday in our cities. There is no specific lawagainst traffic filtering. Promoting
road rage is likely to add to our state's road toll. Road authorities encourage bicyclists
to traffic filter. And, in 40% of bike insurance claims the rider is hit from behind
while sitting in the lane taking up nearly as much space as a car.
Traffic filtering is a safer way for riders to travel on congested streets and it shortens
trips but it also helps traffic flow and frees up car parking space. The Road Safety Committee recommended looking at traffic filtering because it exists and could benefit all road users
if done safely.
Let's hope the Herald Sun is committed to "... the highest editorial and ethical standards."
and will "...promptly correct errors when they occur."
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders Group
This negative editorial straight after the very positive parliamentary inquiry report indicates that we have not won a FAIR GO yet. It makes the Melbourne to Seymour FAIR GO ride more important than ever. Saturday, March 16, 2013. Put it in your diaries and on club calendars. Spread the word. Lunch after wards at the Flowerdale Hotel. Publican Steve will put on a sausage sizzle.
Herald-Sun Newspaper
Dear Sir,
Your Editorial (Licence for Road Chaos - 14th Dec) is neither responsible nor evidence based. The filtering recommendation of the Vic Parliamentary Inquiry, as with many of their recommemdations, was based on the weight of evidence, experience in many European countries, and with SAFETY in mind.
In the vast majority of motorcycle accidents and fatalities involving another motor vehicle, it is the motor vehicle at fault. Filtering has been shown to be a safe practise to reduce the vulnerability of motorcyclists. Experience with congestion filtering in the UK, where it is actually promoted, with courses conducted by Police, has shown that such filtering reduces congestion by as much as 40%.
Had you taken time, as the Inquiry members did, to acsertain the facts, rather than promote road rage, you would have quickly recognised the inherent community benefits and safety features in the Committee's recommendation for filtering to enhace safe motorcycling.
Peter Baulch
Victorian Motorcycle Council
0428 246 174.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
· We talk to Rob Salvatore of the Victorian Motorcycle Council about the findings of the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into motorcycling
· Damien Codognotto from the Independent Riders Group joins us to share his views on this landmark Inquiry
· Ferret from the Finks Motorcycle Club updates us on the recent case before the High Court of Australia regarding the Queensland Anti-association laws
· Wayne Baffsky reports on the state of the legal challenge to the NSW Consorting Laws
· I report on some motorcycling fun that I had in South Australia in the Adelaide Hills and at the MRA Toy Run last weekend
· And I announce a new Tuesday night timeslot for Ride in 2013 plus lots of news, views and music from Australia and beyond
TUNE IN in Sydney live on 90.5 FM and across Australia on www.alive905.comfrom 7pm -9pm EST on Sunday. Please check out Facebook and if you like the programme don't forget to Like this page and recommend it to you friends.
What’s the next best thing to having some motorcycle fun? Listening to others who are having it as well!And you can do that on Sundays for two hours from 7pm EST. on Alive FM 90.5 when national motorcycling identity Greg Hirst will entertain you with
·Humorous stories of a motorcycle nature
·Interviews with well known motorcycle riders
·Stories from Aussie motorcycle clubs about their positive activities
·Update of key some motorcycling issues
·News on local and national motorcycle events (especially for those listening online)
·Studio guests to talk about their personal motorcycling experiences
And lots of great Aussie rock, blues and alternate music, plus a little overseas stuff. So listen in every Sunday for some motorcycle radio fun: on radio in Sydney or online on www.alive905.comaround Australia.Alive 90.5 FM broadcasts all its programmes online and so Ridecan be heard in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania at 7pm,Qld at 7pm, South Australia and Broken Hill 6.30pm, the Northern Territory at 6.30pm and in Western Australia at 5pm.
·For more information contact Greg on
Thursday, 6 December 2012
We’ve just posted this to the Stop SMIDSY Facebook page to try and
encourage riders to attend Parliament next Wednesday – feel free to
share – cheers:
FREE (or pay-what-you-want) SMIDSY/'Take a Longer Look' t-shirts
for 1 day only!!! - Outside the Victorian Parliament, Spring Street,
Melbourne - 11.30am–12noon, Wednesday 12 Dec.
The Inquiry into Motorcycle Safety is finally delivering its report
and we would love to see a big crowd of riders in the public gallery
backing the Victorian Motorcycle Council on such an important
So come along and grab a t-shirt and then watch statements on the
report; proceedings are due to kick off at 12.15pm in the Legislative
Assembly - we'll look to get a few pics on the steps of Parliament
after things finish up at around 1pm.
Hope to see you there!
Adam Kostick | Community Engagement
Maurice Blackburn Pty Limited
Level 10, 456 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
T (03) 9605 2688 F (03) 9258 9600 |
Maurice Blackburn is a leading Australian law firm certified to the
international ISO 9001:2008 quality standard.
Maurice Blackburn is proud to be carbon neutral. Please consider the
environment before printing this email.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
The Independent Riders' Group lobbied the Baillieu Government, when it was in Opposition, for a parliamentary inquiry into motorcycle & scooter safety. We got it. It's been almost 20 years
since the last one so this is a very important report.
![]() |
Independent Riders' Group members Damien Codognotto OAM (L) and Michael Czajka (R) talk motorcycling with Terry Mulder MP at The Society. Terry Mulder is now the Victorian Transport Minister. |
The RSC and their staff have worked hard and looked at submissions objectively. I sat through most of the public hearings and after hearing their questions, particularly when they questioned VicRoads/TAC/Police representatives, I think the motorcycle & scooter community in this state is going to get a fair go in their report.
The RSC report on bikes will be tabled in state parliament on the morning of Wednesday, December 12, 2012. This is your democracy at work and it's free. Well, it's not exaqctly free. You already paid for it with your taxes. The MPs work for you and me. Sometimes a reminder that we care and we vote, like a public gallery full of riders, is a very good thing. That's especially true when road authorities and others are pushing compulsory flouro vests, front number plates (again), more consorting laws and
the TAC antibike tax keeps going up.
Our parliament is a great place. Any rider who can should be there. It will probably be another 20 years before anything like this report happens again.
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Find out more about your system of government by ringing this number and asking for a copy of this FREE DVD to be posted out to you. Tel: 03 8682 2653. |
Latest News from the Road Safety Committee.
Inquiry into Motorcycle Safety - Tabling Date UPDATE.
The Report of the Inquiry into Motorcycle Safety will be tabled in
Parliament on Wednesday 12 December 2012.
Tabling is likely to occur around 9.30am.
In terms of process, please note:
. A short statement will immediately follow the tabling of the Report
in the Legislative Council
. No statement will be made in relation to the Report until about
12.15pm in the Legislative Assembly
The times provided are indicative only.
Once tabled, a copy of the Report will be available from the Table
Office in Parliament House, and via the Road Safety Committee website:
Members of the public are welcome to be present in the gallery when
the Report is tabled and statements are made, however please note that
persons in the gallery are expected to remain quiet at all times.
Failure to do so may result in persons being asked to leave.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Last Saturday the Hobart TOY RUN drew 8000 bikes and filled 4 trucks with gifts for the Salvos to give to needy kids.
Next Sunday is the Melbourne TOY RUN at Calder Raceway.
Here's a link to a story on the Ballarat TOY RUN.
Last Saturday the Hobart TOY RUN drew 8000 bikes and filled 4 trucks with gifts for the Salvos to give to needy kids.
Next Sunday is the Melbourne TOY RUN at Calder Raceway.
Here's a link to a story on the Ballarat TOY RUN.
FRENCH motorcycle & scooter riders used people power to defeat government proposals for a high visibility vest law. 100,000 rider took to roads across France to protest against bad laws including mandatory flouro clothing. 100,000 voters on bikes sent a clear message to their government that they were not going to take it anymore. They also sent a clear message to other road users that they had a right to be on the road and they were going to stay there.
Australian road authorities have gone quiet on high viz vests and compulsory protective clothing for now but they have a folio of measures designed to make it difficult and expensive to keep a bike on the road and a bike licence in your wallet.
The inquiry into motorcycle & scooter safety will release its' report at Parliament House in Melbourne on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 from 9am. The more riders that can make it in there the better.
The first FAIR GO RUN will be on Saturday, March 16, 2013. It will depart Melbourne's northern suburbs for a run up the Hume to the marginal seat of Seymour and the electoral office of Cindy McLeish MP. Then it's on to the Flowerdale Pub for lunch.
In the lead up to the next Victorian election we will target marginal seats, regardless of political party. The candidates who support or right to ride, in writing, will get our support, the candidates that don't will not.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group
Sent: Sunday, 2 December 2012 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: [New post] France: compulsory reflective clothing suspended
"UK France"
Sun, 2 Dec 2012 10:20:54 +0000
Subject: France: compulsory reflective clothing suspended
Good news for riders in France: the new French Interior Minister,
Manuel Valls, has decided to suspend the forthcoming obligation for
all riders (whether residents or visitors) to wear at least 125cm2 of
reflective clothing between the waist and the shoulders.
Bikers who were caught not wearing the appropriate reflective clothing
from 1st January 2013 would have been liable to a 68 euros fine payable
on the spot and two points taken off their licence.
The battle has been very long for the bikers to achieve such a good
result. Despite national demonstrations gathering over 100,000 bikers
and bringing the whole country to a complete stop, the previous Interior
Minister, Claude Guéant, refused to abandon his proposals. Guéant initially
proposed the compulsory wear of reflective jackets and, with the enormous
pressure he was put under by thousands of angry bikers who kept
blocking the roads all over the country, he decided to back off and
restrict the reflective clothing to only 125cm2 between the waist and the
shoulders. But this was not good enough - the bikers demanded full scrapping
of the proposals, which Guéant refused to accept.
Manuel Valls, Guéant's successor following the recent elections, seems to be more
reasonable and has now accepted to listen to the bikers' concerns and suspend
his predecessor's proposals.
Unfortunately, suspend does not mean scrap - the proposals will be reviewed in
detail before Valls may decide to scrap them for good. This is one of the most
laughable and absurd pieces of legislation we have ever heard of because a) reflective
clothing is precisely not reflective during day light and b) those who ride
machines of up to 125cc would have been exempt from wearing any
reflective clothing on the grounds that they don’t ride a powerful
enough bike to be considered dangerous on the roads!
Let’s not forget that a very large number of motorcyclists who ride a moped or a
125cc bike are precisely those who don’t hold a full motorcycle licence and
have only attended at the very most a one-off 7 hour training course all together.
But, as usual, bikers who ride larger machines arealways the ones who cause most
concern to the government because they have been much better trained than every other
biker! Whilst it makes perfect sense to educate bikers to be more visible on the roads to
minimise the risk of collisions resulting from car drivers not seeing (DKC - looking for them)
them, it also makes sense to educate car drivers, including taxi drivers, to share the
roads with bikers and make them realise that they don’t own the roads. Why are car
drivers not forced to apply a yellow sticker at the back (and front) of their vehicle to
make it more visible? Why are riders and drivers not treated equally on the
roads and, more importantly, why are bikers being constantly treated as irresponsible
and rogue citizens?
Statistics show that the vast majority of road accidents involving motorcyclists are caused
by car drivers not paying attention to what's around them, including the presence
of bikers. So instead of imposing radical and useless measures on the bikers and
treat them like children, governments had better address road related issues by implementing
training and safety awareness sessions for all, not always and constantly victimise the
Whilst bikers in France are delighted to hear the good news, the battle is not yet totally over.
Manuel Valls has yet to review and consider his predecessor's proposals in detail before
he makes his final decision, which will hopefully be the full scrapping of these proposals.
In the meantime, the French Federation of Angry Bikers - FFMC (Fédération Française
des Motards en Colère) continues to put the government under pressure to achieve the
desired full scrapping of the proposals.
If you're based in France and want to take part in the fight against the Government's
proposed introduction of a compulsory annual environmental and road safety test for
motorcycles and their continued policy to ban motorcyclists from filtering through
traffic, then contact the FFMC.
Please join and support the campaign to stop Westminster Council from stealth taxing motorcyclists to park before their scheme spreads all over the UK and the rest of Europe.
For further details, visit
URL: Comment See all comments
Australian road authorities have gone quiet on high viz vests and compulsory protective clothing for now but they have a folio of measures designed to make it difficult and expensive to keep a bike on the road and a bike licence in your wallet.
The inquiry into motorcycle & scooter safety will release its' report at Parliament House in Melbourne on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 from 9am. The more riders that can make it in there the better.
The first FAIR GO RUN will be on Saturday, March 16, 2013. It will depart Melbourne's northern suburbs for a run up the Hume to the marginal seat of Seymour and the electoral office of Cindy McLeish MP. Then it's on to the Flowerdale Pub for lunch.
In the lead up to the next Victorian election we will target marginal seats, regardless of political party. The candidates who support or right to ride, in writing, will get our support, the candidates that don't will not.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group
Sent: Sunday, 2 December 2012 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: [New post] France: compulsory reflective clothing suspended
"UK France"
Sun, 2 Dec 2012 10:20:54 +0000
Subject: France: compulsory reflective clothing suspended
Good news for riders in France: the new French Interior Minister,
Manuel Valls, has decided to suspend the forthcoming obligation for
all riders (whether residents or visitors) to wear at least 125cm2 of
reflective clothing between the waist and the shoulders.
Bikers who were caught not wearing the appropriate reflective clothing
from 1st January 2013 would have been liable to a 68 euros fine payable
on the spot and two points taken off their licence.
The battle has been very long for the bikers to achieve such a good
result. Despite national demonstrations gathering over 100,000 bikers
and bringing the whole country to a complete stop, the previous Interior
Minister, Claude Guéant, refused to abandon his proposals. Guéant initially
proposed the compulsory wear of reflective jackets and, with the enormous
pressure he was put under by thousands of angry bikers who kept
blocking the roads all over the country, he decided to back off and
restrict the reflective clothing to only 125cm2 between the waist and the
shoulders. But this was not good enough - the bikers demanded full scrapping
of the proposals, which Guéant refused to accept.
Manuel Valls, Guéant's successor following the recent elections, seems to be more
reasonable and has now accepted to listen to the bikers' concerns and suspend
his predecessor's proposals.
Unfortunately, suspend does not mean scrap - the proposals will be reviewed in
detail before Valls may decide to scrap them for good. This is one of the most
laughable and absurd pieces of legislation we have ever heard of because a) reflective
clothing is precisely not reflective during day light and b) those who ride
machines of up to 125cc would have been exempt from wearing any
reflective clothing on the grounds that they don’t ride a powerful
enough bike to be considered dangerous on the roads!
Let’s not forget that a very large number of motorcyclists who ride a moped or a
125cc bike are precisely those who don’t hold a full motorcycle licence and
have only attended at the very most a one-off 7 hour training course all together.
But, as usual, bikers who ride larger machines arealways the ones who cause most
concern to the government because they have been much better trained than every other
biker! Whilst it makes perfect sense to educate bikers to be more visible on the roads to
minimise the risk of collisions resulting from car drivers not seeing (DKC - looking for them)
them, it also makes sense to educate car drivers, including taxi drivers, to share the
roads with bikers and make them realise that they don’t own the roads. Why are car
drivers not forced to apply a yellow sticker at the back (and front) of their vehicle to
make it more visible? Why are riders and drivers not treated equally on the
roads and, more importantly, why are bikers being constantly treated as irresponsible
and rogue citizens?
Statistics show that the vast majority of road accidents involving motorcyclists are caused
by car drivers not paying attention to what's around them, including the presence
of bikers. So instead of imposing radical and useless measures on the bikers and
treat them like children, governments had better address road related issues by implementing
training and safety awareness sessions for all, not always and constantly victimise the
Whilst bikers in France are delighted to hear the good news, the battle is not yet totally over.
Manuel Valls has yet to review and consider his predecessor's proposals in detail before
he makes his final decision, which will hopefully be the full scrapping of these proposals.
In the meantime, the French Federation of Angry Bikers - FFMC (Fédération Française
des Motards en Colère) continues to put the government under pressure to achieve the
desired full scrapping of the proposals.
If you're based in France and want to take part in the fight against the Government's
proposed introduction of a compulsory annual environmental and road safety test for
motorcycles and their continued policy to ban motorcyclists from filtering through
traffic, then contact the FFMC.
Please join and support the campaign to stop Westminster Council from stealth taxing motorcyclists to park before their scheme spreads all over the UK and the rest of Europe.
For further details, visit
URL: Comment See all comments
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Ambulance Victoria's Tony Walker said scooters on trial had problems
but the idea worked. That they bought the wrong machines for the job
does not mean that Victoria doesn't need paramedics on motorcycles.
They operate successfully interstate and overseas.
The $3 million trial is about finding the problems and fixing them.
Fix the specially trained paramedics safety and pay concerns. Buy some
mid-sized bike with big wheels and an electrical system that can cope
with the lights, sirens and communications gear required.
Get the two-wheeled ambos working in areas where full-size ambulances
are scarce or can't attend easily. An ambulance can't get to a heart
attack victim or a birth in a car on a freeway in peak hour quickly. A
paramedic on a motorcycle with the gear to save lives can.
Paramedics on motorcycles shorten response times and free up
ambulances for urgent tasks. Learn from the first year of the trial
and fix the problems.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group
LIVES PUT AT RISK. Ambos forced to wait. (HS 28/11/2012) Our ambulance
service and hospital arrival areas are dangerously under-resourced.
When hospitals have to make ambos wait long periods to hand over
patients/victims two things are clear. First, hospitals are
under-staffed. Two, our limited fleet of ambulances is limited further
by drop off delays.
One way to shorten response times and free up full-size ambulances is
to give hospitals what they need to facilitate quick, efficient
patient/victim admissions. Another way is to put more paramedics on
motorcycles on the road.
The current trial of motorcycle paramedics in Melbourne is less than
it should be. A couple of scooters ridden by three or four ambos in an
area with good coverage is not enough. Minister Davis should put more
bikes on more roads in areas where ambulance cover is less than in the
CBD. Gridlocked main roads and freeways are places where the most
efficient ambulance has two wheels.
Paramedics on motorcycles are cost-effective and efficient interstate
and overseas. They save lives.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group
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