Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Sunday, 28 December 2014
The first fatal road crash for the Victorian Christmas break involved a car and wire rope barrier.
The WRB did not stop the car, a Proton, not a huge vehicle.
This is the very type of vehicle that WRB is supposed to slow to a less damaging stop. You'd reckon WRB would be tested to set tolerances. It should work at say 20% above the mandated speed limit for say, that type of car. I'd like to see the data on that .... but it's not available.
Police say the car was travelling well over the speed limit. What is well over? 120 in a 100 kph zone? 150 KPH? It was a wet night. Getting their numbers even close accurate in that time, in those conditions, has got to be a job for a highly-trained expert. Was there one there that night? They say there were drugs in the car.
Police have more or less blamed the druggy for this crash and excused the WRB by not even mentioning it. All this was presented to the public via the news media before much measuring, blood testing or highway camera checking could have been done. The Coroner may as well just rubber stamp this one.
The question the Coroner should be asking in court is, would this driver be dead if the WRB had performed as VicRoads and the manufacturers claim it does? Would a smooth concrete barrier have stopped this Proton from slamming in to the pole? As far as I know the only crash testing of WRB in OZ was done by Monash Uni at Laverton using Toyota Echos but MUARC has never released all the data from those tests and you can't get it under FoI because it's deemed not to be owned by VicRoads. So, while the taxpayer paid the boffins for the research we can't have the data ..... I'm told.
In most Victorian Parliamentary inquiries into road safety in the last 20 years the road safety committees have complained that crash site data is inadequate in this state. The 2012 Inquiry into motorcycle and scooter safety recommended the government establish an independent authority to collect and assess crash site data. Police/VicRoads/TAC have a lot of our money invested so they won't let an independent authority happen and Victoria hasn't had a politician strong enough to manage our road authorities for 20 years.
Crashes will continue. Crash data will not improve. Police will go on spinning to camera. And our elected representatives will continue to accept what the public servants tell them, no matter how outrageous.
The IRG still has had no result from the NSW and Victorian authorities for the research data list we asked for after the Holbrook WRB truck crash on November 6. See earlier posts.
The WRB did not stop the car, a Proton, not a huge vehicle.
This is the very type of vehicle that WRB is supposed to slow to a less damaging stop. You'd reckon WRB would be tested to set tolerances. It should work at say 20% above the mandated speed limit for say, that type of car. I'd like to see the data on that .... but it's not available.
Police say the car was travelling well over the speed limit. What is well over? 120 in a 100 kph zone? 150 KPH? It was a wet night. Getting their numbers even close accurate in that time, in those conditions, has got to be a job for a highly-trained expert. Was there one there that night? They say there were drugs in the car.
Police have more or less blamed the druggy for this crash and excused the WRB by not even mentioning it. All this was presented to the public via the news media before much measuring, blood testing or highway camera checking could have been done. The Coroner may as well just rubber stamp this one.
The question the Coroner should be asking in court is, would this driver be dead if the WRB had performed as VicRoads and the manufacturers claim it does? Would a smooth concrete barrier have stopped this Proton from slamming in to the pole? As far as I know the only crash testing of WRB in OZ was done by Monash Uni at Laverton using Toyota Echos but MUARC has never released all the data from those tests and you can't get it under FoI because it's deemed not to be owned by VicRoads. So, while the taxpayer paid the boffins for the research we can't have the data ..... I'm told.
In most Victorian Parliamentary inquiries into road safety in the last 20 years the road safety committees have complained that crash site data is inadequate in this state. The 2012 Inquiry into motorcycle and scooter safety recommended the government establish an independent authority to collect and assess crash site data. Police/VicRoads/TAC have a lot of our money invested so they won't let an independent authority happen and Victoria hasn't had a politician strong enough to manage our road authorities for 20 years.
Crashes will continue. Crash data will not improve. Police will go on spinning to camera. And our elected representatives will continue to accept what the public servants tell them, no matter how outrageous.
The IRG still has had no result from the NSW and Victorian authorities for the research data list we asked for after the Holbrook WRB truck crash on November 6. See earlier posts.
Friday, 26 December 2014
MelbCity has left a new comment on your post "FOOTPATH PARKING ATTACK (AGAIN)":
The Melbourne Walkers group recently called for the banning of Motorcycles from footpaths, falsely claiming that they were a risk to pedestrian safety. This in spite the fact that there is no reports of any pedestrians being injured by motorcycles parking on the footpath.
The greatest risk to pedestrian safety in the City is from Bicycles not Motorcycles. The North Bank of the Yarra River Next to Flinders Street Railway Station is not a bicycle path yet every day pedestrians safety is placed at risk. Not one word of concern by the Melbourne Walkers group.
Bicycles on footpaths are a great risk to public safety than Motorcycles
The Melbourne Walkers group recently called for the banning of Motorcycles from footpaths, falsely claiming that they were a risk to pedestrian safety. This in spite the fact that there is no reports of any pedestrians being injured by motorcycles parking on the footpath.
The greatest risk to pedestrian safety in the City is from Bicycles not Motorcycles. The North Bank of the Yarra River Next to Flinders Street Railway Station is not a bicycle path yet every day pedestrians safety is placed at risk. Not one word of concern by the Melbourne Walkers group.
Bicycles on footpaths are a great risk to public safety than Motorcycles
Thursday, 25 December 2014
ABC Radio 774 in Melbourne reported a fatal wire rope barrier crash this morning, December 26, 2014. Please pass this email on to as many people as you can. Please send me any links to news reports, information on the circumstances of the crash and/or photos of the crash site.
The report said that a car went out of control and crashed into WRB. The driver was killed. The crash was on the Monash Freeway near Dandenong North.
Wire rope bazrrier should slow cars to a safer stop according to road authorities and WRB manufacturers. Why did this driver die?
The Motor Report article on WRBs.
The Border Mail article on the WRB crash on the Hume near Holbrook on Novemeber 6. IRG is still waiting for information from the NSW Crash Research Centre and the VicRoads Regional Manager quoted in the article.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group (IRG)
PO Box 4330
Doncaster Heights Vic 3109
The report said that a car went out of control and crashed into WRB. The driver was killed. The crash was on the Monash Freeway near Dandenong North.
Wire rope bazrrier should slow cars to a safer stop according to road authorities and WRB manufacturers. Why did this driver die?
The Motor Report article on WRBs.
The Border Mail article on the WRB crash on the Hume near Holbrook on Novemeber 6. IRG is still waiting for information from the NSW Crash Research Centre and the VicRoads Regional Manager quoted in the article.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group (IRG)
PO Box 4330
Doncaster Heights Vic 3109
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Saturday, 20 December 2014
EMAIL RACV President Mr Ross Herron care of Royalauto the RACV magazine at:
December 20, 2014.
I was concerned to read the following passage in the ‘message from the president’ in the Dec/Jan Royalauto.
"Why have the city's footpaths become parking bays for Motorcycles? They hinder traffic. Would a better use of this space be cycling lanes similar to many European cities? (Ref. RACV Magazine Dec 14/Jan 15 P.11).
In this message he appears to be condemning the legal practice of parking of motorcycles on footpaths in the city. The message is a bit confusing as there are guidelines and rules laid down to ensure that motorcycles parked on footpaths do not hinder foot traffic or parked cars.
He also seems to be advocating cycling lanes on the footpaths around the city? This would be a major problem with today’s distracted pedestrians.
With the rapid increases in population, condoned by government, the roads are getting busier and more congested every day. Motorcycles offer a way to reduce congestion on our roads and sensible parking on footpaths frees up valuable car parking places and road space.
The RACV should be seen to be actively encouraging and promoting motorcycle use rather than continually ignoring the benefits of motorcycles in congested cities. In many crowded cities around the world motorcycles are an important and necessary mode of transportation.
It is unfortunate that the president of Victoria’s largest motoring organisation sees motorcycles as a nuisance and annoyance rather than the solution to ongoing congestion, fuel savings and pollution reduction.
Name and address supplied.
December 15, 2014
Hi Damien,
While waiting for a tram on High Street, Thornbury, I noticed this sign banning motorcycles from parking on a long stretch of footpath.
We need to know how many of these signs are in Melbourne. This audit would indicate the number of signs now and we can then monitor if more signs are being placed around Melbourne.
To find out the number of signs, I assume we need to go to each council in Melbourne. Or are these signs put up by VicRoads?
It is in Thornbury. Not sure what council.
We really need to know how many of these signs are around Melbourne. Before we know it, these will be everywhere and that's how they will get rid of footpath parking.
Name and address supplied.
December 9, 2014.
Hi Damien,
I saw the RACV stuff against footpath parking. I'll ask RACV for a 'please explain' at the next meeting.
Not sure about the tinted visor thing. Are you saying that we can't use tinted visors? Please send through any docs you have relating to this one.
Name and address supplied.
G'day Damien,
This is a copy of an email I sent to the RACV, and the new Minister for Roads in response to the article re: motorcyclists clogging up the citys streets printed in the recent Royalauto magazine. As an RACV member for years and a motorcyclist also involved with the IRG nortern register, I did not hesitate to send this letter.
Thanks for bringing these issues up and I hope that sending these letters helps.
Date:08/12/2014 7:23 PM (GMT+10:00)
Gday, as a loyal member of the RACV for many years, and a motorcyclist, I was absolutely shocked when I read the comments of the chairman of the RACV in the recent issue of Royal auto, December 14/15. On page 11, Ross heron, president and chairman of the board states " In closing I wish to air two personal views on transport issues: Why have the citys footpaths become parking bays for motorcycles? They hinder foot traffic. Would a better use of this space be cycling lanes similar to many European cities"?.
I find these comments very concerning and one sided, the fact that it appears that the Chairman has a personal dislike of motorcycles and is pro cyclist shows the increasing prejudice towards motorcyclists by the very people who are put in place to represent us, in particular motorcyclists.The chairmans comments highlight concerns that as a motorcyclist, and loyal RACV member for many years I feel that cyclists are getting the funding, and support that we as motorcyclist deserve as rego paying, RACV insurance paying, TAC levy targeted, and "high risk" minority branded road users, WHY?
When we motorcyclists pay for the privilege to use the roads. Does Ross Herron realise that motorcyclists are entitled to park on the footpath legally? What measures have been put in place by the RACVor TAC to ensure the growing number of city commuters that use motorcycles and scooters to get to work are catered for? None...if these organisations had their way, Melbourne will end up like India, a sea of pushbikes and overcrowded buses and trains.
The chairman Ross heron has obviously reached his use by date as chairman, with these offensive and biased remarks which I, as a member, believe should not have gone to print. The chairmans personal opinions are irrelevant when he is paid very generously to act in a position which is (supposedly) in support of ALL road users in an unbiased, fair and equal manner.
I can only hope that as a loyal member of the racv that the next chairman will support motorcyclists, provide better facilities for motorcyclists, make travel safer and promote motorcycling as a better environmental and more efficient alternative to cars and 4wds.
For the RACV to promote "pushbike tourism" which I believe is contrary to the very purpose of the RACV, and fund projects to a group that does not pay a cent towards the maintenance of any of the roads they are riding on, doesn't make sense.When I open my issue of Royalauto I see nothing about motorcycles, just sales spin for foreign made luxury cars, suvs, caravans etc.
When are motorcyclists going to be positively represented by the RACV and TAC?
Name and address supplied
December 8, 2014.
To the RACV President,
I do not want to sound cruel or offensive, but I do feel that you should resign as you have lost the meaning of your organisation by coming out against motorcycles and scooters parking on the footpath. As the RACV stand for Royal AUTOMOTIVE Club Victoria, which motorcycles and scooters fall under – being automotive and not peddle power. By saying that the footpaths should be changed to emulate other countries regarding bicycles shows that you are an avid people powered operator, rather than that of the organisation you are president of.
Oh yes lets only have motorcycles and scooters using parking bays, now with all those motorcycles and scooters parking one per bay where a car would normally go (which is and would be legal), where are all your other members (car drivers) going to park????
We as riders and members of the RACV feel that you are disregarding a large proportion of your organisation. Yes your figures may show that you don’t have many motorcycles insured with you, this would be due to the fact that you don’t seem to care about these members and overcharge and under compensate. Another reason why I feel you are not doing either, your job or the organisation justice, by forcing riders to seek insurance elsewhere.
Name and address supplied.
December 7, 2014
To Whom it May Concern,
As a person on a limited budget, one reason I ride a motorcycle is financial. Any help to my budget is a help.
I ride a motorcycle rain, hail or shine. One small compensation is that I can park quite close to where I need to go, on the footpath. The motorcycle does not obstruct motorized “Gofers...motorized wheelchairs....etc. I am always aware to leave space for other footpath users.
Why, oh why, take this small concession away from us???
Why should we take a whole car space for the small amount of space a motorcycle takes up? Where are the motorcycle designated parking areas in Melbourne???
Name and address supplied.
December 7, 2014.
Dear Royal Auto,
I have been a RACV member since 1978 and a RACV insurance customer for many years including coverage of two cars and a house.
I am also an active motorcyclist and am writing to complain about the latest President’s report in Royal Auto Dec 14/Jan 15 regarding his views against motorcycling parking on footpaths.
Motorcycling parking on footpaths should be encouraged as it creates more parking for cars. Also, motorcycling in general should be encouraged as it creates less traffic congestion and is a much more efficient form of transport.
The President may be entitled to his own personal views, however these should not be promoted by the RACV organisation. I would prefer Royal Auto to support and represent the needs of all RACV members, including motorcyclists.
Yours Sincerely,
Name and address supplied.
Decemeber 6, 2014.
To the President of RACV.
I am a 'gold' RACV member since 1985 and I also have ridden a motorcycle since 1971.
I deem it a privilege to be able to park on Victorian footpaths. I do not agree with your latest bias against M/C's. We pay our share of taxes and have the least impact on our roads.
We as motorcyclists are not represented to any extent as valid road users in your magazines or policies.
If your influence can change laws on M/C parking, I for one (and my extended family)would not be renewing memberships; where a president of an organization so large has such archaic views; and does not take into account ALL road users.
Please have a re-think on what you have publicly stated about more push bike lanes, yes more push bike lanes but not at the expense of motorcycle parking on the footpaths. Why can't we have both?
We do not hinder traffic or pedestrians; in fact we try to keep a low profile because of people like you are trying to take it away from us.
Name and address supplied.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group (IRG)
December 20, 2014.
I was concerned to read the following passage in the ‘message from the president’ in the Dec/Jan Royalauto.
"Why have the city's footpaths become parking bays for Motorcycles? They hinder traffic. Would a better use of this space be cycling lanes similar to many European cities? (Ref. RACV Magazine Dec 14/Jan 15 P.11).
In this message he appears to be condemning the legal practice of parking of motorcycles on footpaths in the city. The message is a bit confusing as there are guidelines and rules laid down to ensure that motorcycles parked on footpaths do not hinder foot traffic or parked cars.
He also seems to be advocating cycling lanes on the footpaths around the city? This would be a major problem with today’s distracted pedestrians.
With the rapid increases in population, condoned by government, the roads are getting busier and more congested every day. Motorcycles offer a way to reduce congestion on our roads and sensible parking on footpaths frees up valuable car parking places and road space.
The RACV should be seen to be actively encouraging and promoting motorcycle use rather than continually ignoring the benefits of motorcycles in congested cities. In many crowded cities around the world motorcycles are an important and necessary mode of transportation.
It is unfortunate that the president of Victoria’s largest motoring organisation sees motorcycles as a nuisance and annoyance rather than the solution to ongoing congestion, fuel savings and pollution reduction.
Name and address supplied.
December 15, 2014
Hi Damien,
While waiting for a tram on High Street, Thornbury, I noticed this sign banning motorcycles from parking on a long stretch of footpath.
We need to know how many of these signs are in Melbourne. This audit would indicate the number of signs now and we can then monitor if more signs are being placed around Melbourne.
To find out the number of signs, I assume we need to go to each council in Melbourne. Or are these signs put up by VicRoads?
It is in Thornbury. Not sure what council.
We really need to know how many of these signs are around Melbourne. Before we know it, these will be everywhere and that's how they will get rid of footpath parking.
Name and address supplied.
December 9, 2014.
Hi Damien,
I saw the RACV stuff against footpath parking. I'll ask RACV for a 'please explain' at the next meeting.
Not sure about the tinted visor thing. Are you saying that we can't use tinted visors? Please send through any docs you have relating to this one.
Name and address supplied.
G'day Damien,
This is a copy of an email I sent to the RACV, and the new Minister for Roads in response to the article re: motorcyclists clogging up the citys streets printed in the recent Royalauto magazine. As an RACV member for years and a motorcyclist also involved with the IRG nortern register, I did not hesitate to send this letter.
Thanks for bringing these issues up and I hope that sending these letters helps.
Date:08/12/2014 7:23 PM (GMT+10:00)
Gday, as a loyal member of the RACV for many years, and a motorcyclist, I was absolutely shocked when I read the comments of the chairman of the RACV in the recent issue of Royal auto, December 14/15. On page 11, Ross heron, president and chairman of the board states " In closing I wish to air two personal views on transport issues: Why have the citys footpaths become parking bays for motorcycles? They hinder foot traffic. Would a better use of this space be cycling lanes similar to many European cities"?.
I find these comments very concerning and one sided, the fact that it appears that the Chairman has a personal dislike of motorcycles and is pro cyclist shows the increasing prejudice towards motorcyclists by the very people who are put in place to represent us, in particular motorcyclists.The chairmans comments highlight concerns that as a motorcyclist, and loyal RACV member for many years I feel that cyclists are getting the funding, and support that we as motorcyclist deserve as rego paying, RACV insurance paying, TAC levy targeted, and "high risk" minority branded road users, WHY?
When we motorcyclists pay for the privilege to use the roads. Does Ross Herron realise that motorcyclists are entitled to park on the footpath legally? What measures have been put in place by the RACVor TAC to ensure the growing number of city commuters that use motorcycles and scooters to get to work are catered for? None...if these organisations had their way, Melbourne will end up like India, a sea of pushbikes and overcrowded buses and trains.
The chairman Ross heron has obviously reached his use by date as chairman, with these offensive and biased remarks which I, as a member, believe should not have gone to print. The chairmans personal opinions are irrelevant when he is paid very generously to act in a position which is (supposedly) in support of ALL road users in an unbiased, fair and equal manner.
I can only hope that as a loyal member of the racv that the next chairman will support motorcyclists, provide better facilities for motorcyclists, make travel safer and promote motorcycling as a better environmental and more efficient alternative to cars and 4wds.
For the RACV to promote "pushbike tourism" which I believe is contrary to the very purpose of the RACV, and fund projects to a group that does not pay a cent towards the maintenance of any of the roads they are riding on, doesn't make sense.When I open my issue of Royalauto I see nothing about motorcycles, just sales spin for foreign made luxury cars, suvs, caravans etc.
When are motorcyclists going to be positively represented by the RACV and TAC?
Name and address supplied
December 8, 2014.
To the RACV President,
I do not want to sound cruel or offensive, but I do feel that you should resign as you have lost the meaning of your organisation by coming out against motorcycles and scooters parking on the footpath. As the RACV stand for Royal AUTOMOTIVE Club Victoria, which motorcycles and scooters fall under – being automotive and not peddle power. By saying that the footpaths should be changed to emulate other countries regarding bicycles shows that you are an avid people powered operator, rather than that of the organisation you are president of.
Oh yes lets only have motorcycles and scooters using parking bays, now with all those motorcycles and scooters parking one per bay where a car would normally go (which is and would be legal), where are all your other members (car drivers) going to park????
We as riders and members of the RACV feel that you are disregarding a large proportion of your organisation. Yes your figures may show that you don’t have many motorcycles insured with you, this would be due to the fact that you don’t seem to care about these members and overcharge and under compensate. Another reason why I feel you are not doing either, your job or the organisation justice, by forcing riders to seek insurance elsewhere.
Name and address supplied.
December 7, 2014
To Whom it May Concern,
As a person on a limited budget, one reason I ride a motorcycle is financial. Any help to my budget is a help.
I ride a motorcycle rain, hail or shine. One small compensation is that I can park quite close to where I need to go, on the footpath. The motorcycle does not obstruct motorized “Gofers...motorized wheelchairs....etc. I am always aware to leave space for other footpath users.
Why, oh why, take this small concession away from us???
Why should we take a whole car space for the small amount of space a motorcycle takes up? Where are the motorcycle designated parking areas in Melbourne???
Name and address supplied.
December 7, 2014.
Dear Royal Auto,
I have been a RACV member since 1978 and a RACV insurance customer for many years including coverage of two cars and a house.
I am also an active motorcyclist and am writing to complain about the latest President’s report in Royal Auto Dec 14/Jan 15 regarding his views against motorcycling parking on footpaths.
Motorcycling parking on footpaths should be encouraged as it creates more parking for cars. Also, motorcycling in general should be encouraged as it creates less traffic congestion and is a much more efficient form of transport.
The President may be entitled to his own personal views, however these should not be promoted by the RACV organisation. I would prefer Royal Auto to support and represent the needs of all RACV members, including motorcyclists.
Yours Sincerely,
Name and address supplied.
Decemeber 6, 2014.
To the President of RACV.
I am a 'gold' RACV member since 1985 and I also have ridden a motorcycle since 1971.
I deem it a privilege to be able to park on Victorian footpaths. I do not agree with your latest bias against M/C's. We pay our share of taxes and have the least impact on our roads.
We as motorcyclists are not represented to any extent as valid road users in your magazines or policies.
If your influence can change laws on M/C parking, I for one (and my extended family)would not be renewing memberships; where a president of an organization so large has such archaic views; and does not take into account ALL road users.
Please have a re-think on what you have publicly stated about more push bike lanes, yes more push bike lanes but not at the expense of motorcycle parking on the footpaths. Why can't we have both?
We do not hinder traffic or pedestrians; in fact we try to keep a low profile because of people like you are trying to take it away from us.
Name and address supplied.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group (IRG)
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Episode 9 Sunday December 21 at 3 pm on ONE and repeat Monday December 22 1.45am
go for a ride up the famous Macquarie Pass and discover the Robertson
Pie Shop.
Dutchy and Riders of Tasmania take us for a leisurely Sunday
Shep shows us his dirt drag bikes in Perth.
Adam Wright takes
Jonesy and Hirsty on a test ride of some 2015 Harleys.
Chancy talks about
riding fast and praying hard.
We find out why there was a High Court
Challenge in Queensland.
Darwin HOG fills us in their rides plus we
discover why heaps of bikers like the Pink Ribbon Ride.
Check you local Guides for other repeats and variations during each week or check out recent episodes on Tenplay
Episode 8 repeated Saturday December 20 at 2 pm
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
On NOV 6, 2014 a truck crashes through wire rope barrier on the Hume Highway near Holbrook, NSW.
On Dec 2 we photographed the crash site.
On December 8, The Border Mail newspaper quoted the General Manager of the NSW Centre for Road Safety. She said that wire rope barriers could better absorb the impact from crashes.
Obviously 2 WRB did not stop this truck and, in my opinion, only the truck drivers skill prevented the large vehicle from crashing head-on into northbound traffic. The crash site was not repaired a month after the crash.
Please email us a list of research titles that prove WRB works to absorb the impact from crashes of most vehicles in 110 kph zones. Please send us the link to guidelines for repairs and maintenance for WRB. What is the recommend time WRB can be left on a 110 kph road in NSW.
Links to the Border Mail and the Motor Report stories on WRB crashes are on our blog at:
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders Group
On Dec 2 we photographed the crash site.
On December 8, The Border Mail newspaper quoted the General Manager of the NSW Centre for Road Safety. She said that wire rope barriers could better absorb the impact from crashes.
Obviously 2 WRB did not stop this truck and, in my opinion, only the truck drivers skill prevented the large vehicle from crashing head-on into northbound traffic. The crash site was not repaired a month after the crash.
Please email us a list of research titles that prove WRB works to absorb the impact from crashes of most vehicles in 110 kph zones. Please send us the link to guidelines for repairs and maintenance for WRB. What is the recommend time WRB can be left on a 110 kph road in NSW.
Links to the Border Mail and the Motor Report stories on WRB crashes are on our blog at:
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders Group
Monday, 15 December 2014
Hi Damien, got this wire rope barriers piece up, thanks for your help on it (delayed a couple of days... I did my back).
Link is here:
free to pass it around among your fraternity. VicRoads will be on the
nose with the new Government over the East Link project, so now is the
time to press the political argument that this regulator has acted as a
law unto itself and should have its activities under scrutiny.
Cheers mate
Saturday, 13 December 2014
It seems police in the West understand motorcycles better than their Victorian colleagues.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Hi Damien
how is this for hypocrisy I saw this on the way to Geelong on a big roadside banner opposite the Werribee service centre If you didn't notice the vicpol officer is wearing a tinted visor!! Regards Phil's+over&client=safari&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=HVyJVOXyJqLbmAXb7oCYDw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg&biw=320&bih=460#facrc=_&
Sunday, 7 December 2014
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A 2010 crash on a Melbourne freeway where a truck brushed aside wire rope barriers. |
"But VicRoads regional director Bryan Sherritt said the barriers were a “proven safety method” and “incredibly important” for saving lives and reducing injuries.
“There is no evidence from research in Australia or overseas that indicates wire rope safety barriers increase the risk of injury to motorcyclists when compared with other barrier types,” he said.
“VicRoads will continue to improve protection for motorcyclists by fitting rub-rails to guard fence and post cushions to wire rope along many popular motorcycle routes.”
NSW Centre for Road Safety general manager Marg Prendegast noted the wires could better absorb crash forces compared with concrete and steel guardrails.
She said the centre was investigating all options to increase motorbike rider safety while maintaining safety for other road users."
Word is that, regardless of the tourist dollar and in spite of police claims that they only pull up riders who are doing nothing wrong for the rider's safety, that this holiday season police in Victoria will blitz the blue blazes out of the motorcycle community.
Be careful out there.
Luke Donnellan MP
Minister for Roads
The attached newspaper stories demonstrate how motorcycle statistics get distorted, how rules in need of review are neglected and why we need a campaign to improve the relationship between police and scooter road riders.
I have been in several meetings where police have claimed that a significant percentage of Victorian road riders do not wear helmets which is rubbish. Victoria has a 99% compliance rate with helmet laws for road riders. The way police collect data on riders and crashes is what causes the distortion in the figures.
This is very bad for road safety in this state and grossly unfair to riders trying to do the right thing.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders' Group (IRG)
PO Box 4330
Doncaster Heights Vic 3109
Rider Luke Johnson isn't alone being booked for a trivial offence in 2014.
I was near King Lake. I was pulled over. He couldn't find anything wrong with me or my bike so I got a 15 minute lecture on safe riding. I have been riding since 1967. Cars passed us obviously over the speed limit.
A thirty-something business man was pulled up out of Healesville. When no offence was found, he was booked for his store-bought number plate holder.
A young bloke going to work was booked for a helmet camera. Bicyclists are encouraged to use helmet cams and footage has been used in court.
A highway patrolman told the press his officers would pull up just about every motorbike they saw on the way to the Phillip Island GP. Touring riders pump some $800 million into the state economy each year. Police discouraged a lot of tourers from coming back.
Luke was fined $295 and 3 points for riding without a helmet. He was wearing a good helmet but his visor was tinted. Sun glasses are allowed though. This demonstrates the state of neglect of motorcycle & scooter laws in Victoria, the unreliability of our road safety statistics and the nature of policing when it comes to motorcyclists. It's not about safety.
Would police treat 4WD or ute drivers this way?
Damien Codognotto
Independent Riders Group
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Friday, 5 December 2014
Father Bob with prizes for the raffle in Albert Park (Melbourne) tomorrow.


Thursday, 4 December 2014
Hi all,
Further points to consider:
RACV do not want us using up road space. "Would a better use of this space
be cycling lanes".
Motorcycle Advisory Group
The Motorcycle Advisory Group (MAG) was established in mid-2011 to provide VicRoads with strategic advice on issues relating to the management and development of motorcycling in Victoria.
All riders and pillions need to keep a close eye on the RACV regarding
their bias motorcycle and scooter policies.
Please circulate this important warning as you see fit.
Episode 7 Sunday December 7 at 3 pm on ONE
We discover
ANDRA and motorcycle drag racing at Darwin's Hidden Valley.
Jonesy checks out
the Indian Classic.
In Hobart we discover a mate of Charlie Boormans and check
out Joe's Garage.
We find out why some Aussie riders went for a spin in Vietnam.
Hirsty talks to John Voyage from Maurice Blackburn Lawyers about his
advocacy work.
We meet the Bogans Social Motorcycle Club from Perth.
We check out a
brilliant Cairns bike show, find out why a biker couple got married there
then discover who is the man to beat in top fuel motorcycle drags.
Check you local Guides for other repeats and variations during
each week or check out recent episodes on Tenplay
Check this out!
If your feeling like a long ride but your backside gets sore
then checkout an Airhawk inflatable seat cushion. Lots of people at the
Melbourne Motorcycle Expo reckon they work great. They have sizes to fit all
bikes and riders can regulate the amount of air for a custom fit. Check out the
details for motorcycles as well as mining and transport vehicles or call 1300 783 128.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
The Senior above. The Port Phillip Leader below.
The Senior above. The Port Phillip Leader below.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Episode 6 - Sunday November 30 at 3 pm and Monday
December 1 at 12.55 am on ONE
We go riding in the Perth Hills and Jonesy checks out a Barbarian for his
shed.We meet up in Hobart with Yogi and find out about his charity work. The
Diggers Military Motorcycle Club show us their clubhouse in Robertson, we find
out why Victory and Indian need more space in Brisbane and why riders need legal
help to fight unfair laws. Hirsty checks out the Grey Gum Cafe on the Putty
Road, we find out what's great in Victoria for sports bikes and ask what riders
think of the Western Australia's 'Dob in a Bikie' Campaign.
Check you local Guides for other repeats and variations during
each week or check out recent episodes on Tenplay
Episode 5 will air again on Saturday November 29 at 12
pm and Sunday November 30 at 1.30 am.
Monday, 24 November 2014
MELBOURNE'S HERALD SUN newspaper did some digging via FoI requests and came up with some facts about crime in Victoria. The crime rate has doubled and even tripled in some post codes.
MOTORCYCLE TRADER MAGAZINE did some more digging and found that with all this crime about the Victoria Police attribute just 0.36% to motorcyclists.
MOTORCYCLE TRADER MAGAZINE did some more digging and found that with all this crime about the Victoria Police attribute just 0.36% to motorcyclists.
Saturday, 22 November 2014
ENGLISH MOTORCYCLISTS are protesting against wire rope barriers (WRB) being installed on the A11 motorway. They point out that WRB has not been tested with motorcycle safety in mind and that some countries have banned WRB.
I point out that road authorities have massive investments in WRB so it may not be in their interests to do any real testing of these products.
Damien Codognotto OAM
I point out that road authorities have massive investments in WRB so it may not be in their interests to do any real testing of these products.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Sunday, 16 November 2014
I just put in my postal vote papers for the Victorian election on November 29.
I'll be on my way to Canberra for the LAST STAND PROTEST RIDE on Monday, December 1.
This Victorian election is particularly important as various Australian Governments introduce and/or plan more antibike laws in the name of keeping us safe from evil doers. So this time I'm voting solely on motorcycle issues. There are plenty of good people voting on health, education, "nation building projects", and so on.
These antibike laws will effect other Australians so I'm studying the form. I'll look at all the candidates and what they stand for. Usually you get a run down in the local paper and there are websites. My Lower House electorate is BOX HILL. My Upper House electorate is Eastern Metropolitan.
Attorney General Robert Clark MP is pushing VLAD type laws for Victoria and the propaganda is already in the media about Victoria becoming the bikie state. Clark is a safe candidate for BOX HILL but he won't be getting my vote.
I'll be on my way to Canberra for the LAST STAND PROTEST RIDE on Monday, December 1.
This Victorian election is particularly important as various Australian Governments introduce and/or plan more antibike laws in the name of keeping us safe from evil doers. So this time I'm voting solely on motorcycle issues. There are plenty of good people voting on health, education, "nation building projects", and so on.
These antibike laws will effect other Australians so I'm studying the form. I'll look at all the candidates and what they stand for. Usually you get a run down in the local paper and there are websites. My Lower House electorate is BOX HILL. My Upper House electorate is Eastern Metropolitan.
Attorney General Robert Clark MP is pushing VLAD type laws for Victoria and the propaganda is already in the media about Victoria becoming the bikie state. Clark is a safe candidate for BOX HILL but he won't be getting my vote.
The Upper House is going to take a bit more thinking about.
One thing is sure. Premier Napthine has let the 175,000 Victorians who are licenced to ride down badly over the last four years. When he wanted into office he promised in writing and on TV to scrap the discriminatory TAC tax. He utterly failed to introduce even a significant part of the 64 recommendations from the 2012 Parliamentary Inquiry. In spite of the successful Hoddle Street bus lane trial he let VicRoads stall that road safety move right up to this election.
James Holgate from VicRoads gave Minister, Terry Mulder MP, bad information on traffic filtering which Mulder promptly blurted to the media. Three dead filtering? Rubbish. Napthine did nothing about it.
And the "advisor" to Mulder, Dr Alexandra Douglas promoted a lights-on law for this state so learners could not switch their headlights off. She did not even know that motorbikes have not been sold with light switches in OZ for 20 years! This kind of road safety advice to a Minister does not inspire confidence. Napthine did nothing.
We tried to meet with Napthine, Mulder and Clark repeatedly over the last four years but were ignored while political appointments to prop up sham consultation with the motorcycle community undermine the work legitimate rider representatives are doing.
I got a serious case of the irrits when I saw the following picture in the paper. Napthine on a scoot. The rider is probably out of shot trying to get the cutlery out of his/her back. If we want motorcycle safety to continue to improve and we want to protect our right to ride (at a reasonable cost), we have to get rid of this government and do something about the antimotorcycle hysteria running amok in VicRoads/TAC.
Sunday, 9 November 2014
on Tuesday at 7pm (Sydney Time)
On Tuesday November 11 at 7pm Sydney time Ride discusses the imminent announcement of the High Court Decision concerning the Queensland Anti-rights laws and we revisit Barrister Wayne Baffsky's comments on the legal challenge and possible outcomes.
We focus on a Marquez brothers as they celebrate an historic result for the
'brothers motorcycling'
We look at Jack Millers reaction at coming in second in
Moto 3.
We examine the Palmer United Party led Senate investigation into the
alleged abuses of power by the Queensland Government.
We announce Episode 4 of
Series 3 of Temporary Australians plus heaps more.
Proudly sponsored by
Fraser Motorcycles Perth, Melbourne, Newcastle, Wollongong, Sydney and
Skillmaster Motorcycle Services.
Even in a suit and tie with shiny shoes, I would not spend a penny in this establishment.
"No sporting, motorcycle or other club or gang insignia"
Saturday, 8 November 2014
The servo is in Scoresby, east of Melbourne. Departs 10.45 am on
Saturday, November 15, 2014.
Australia All Over. Tel: 02 8333 1020 or 1300 700 222.
Friday, 7 November 2014
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
JENNY LEE put the band back together about a year ago. They will play a Sunday session at the Mordialloc Sports Club from 3 pm this Sunday, November 9. Free entry.
The club is on the beach side of the main street of Mordialloc.
The JLB played Melbourne TOY RUNs and many bike gigs in the 1980s.
That's Jenny next to Santa in 1986. In 2014 the TOY RUN in Melbourne is for Father Bob on Sunday, December 7. Details on this link.
The club is on the beach side of the main street of Mordialloc.
The JLB played Melbourne TOY RUNs and many bike gigs in the 1980s.
That's Jenny next to Santa in 1986. In 2014 the TOY RUN in Melbourne is for Father Bob on Sunday, December 7. Details on this link.
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Jonesy rediscovers Urals
with sidecars.
Hirsty spends a weekend at Bernie’s.
We meet up with Preacher
in North Queensland and find out if surfers really do ride Harleys.
We take a
look at how Cambridge Moto trains young riders off road in Hobart, discover a
Tassie Titan who has international recognition and go for an awesome ride to
Port Douglas.
Check you local Guides for other repeats and variations during each
Episode 2 will air again on Saturday November 8 at 11.30 am and
Sunday November 9 at 1.30 am.
Miss an episode of Temporary Australians Series
3? Then go to Tenplay and catch up:
Saturday, 1 November 2014
To anyone who thinks police have a benign attitude to motorcyclists anywhere in OZ in 2014/15 I say, good luck. Check the link above.
In Victoria in 2014 police are pulling over "just about every bike they see". This harrasment is covered by a thinly disguised bike safety lecture, often given by a non-expert constable reading a script. It happened to me in January. See earlier blogs. It's been coming for years and facilitated by real terrorist threats, rider apathy and sellout bike reps.
Since then the Independent Riders Group (IRG) has had complaints about riders being pulled up for behaving in a completely legal way on a completely legal bike while cars whiz by. One bloke was stopped for nothing and finally given a ticket for an obscured number plate where about 2 mm of the tail of a Q was covered by the edge of the holder where the screw fitted!
Another Melbourne rider was pulled up for having a helmet camera. Bicyclists are encouraged not only to use helmet cameras but to present the footage as evidence against car drivers in court. Police it seems do not want motorcyclists filming what happens to them when a car driver does the wrong thing or when a non-expert constable reads from a script to show the passing public police in action.
Motorcyclists are bailed up by the road for all the drivers to see the police doing something about their fabricated bikie menace. Like I said, it was done to me.
In some cases when the riders does not please the officer a trivial charge is issued. The obscured number plate, mentioned above, is a favourite. It doesn't seem to matter if the plate is obscured. The rider probably won't be able to afford the day off work and a lawyer so they let it slide. If a rider does decide to fight for a fair go, the police bring in the best they have in their legal department. They don't like to lose face to a bikie.
Most riders don't contest unfair tickets so police book more riders.
In spite of the 60 million tourist dollars the Phillip Island Moto GP bring to the state police blitzed the blue blazes out of touring riders.
With the warmer weather there will be more bikes on roads around the country and with Christmas coming up there are more events including lots of TOY RUNs. The police media units will probably push antibike propaganda like the item from 2006 below. So, careful who you talk to at your next gathering of riders, it could be the start of your own personal police file.
There's more at
Thursday, 30 October 2014
LISTEN TO AUSTRALIA ALL OVER on Sunday mornings on ABC Radio. It's from 6 am to 9 am or 7 am to 10 am. A couple of hours at least. I don't know. My brain doesn't do well on Sunday mornings but it is worth reaching out from under the blanket to switch on the clock/radio. That's 774 in Melbourne.
The show is about Australians and Australia. The host Macca, gets calls from all over the world, from all kinds of Aussies. He doesn't get many calls from motorcycle riders talking about what a great country this is to ride a bike in but.
We especially want riders to ring in about their local Christmas TOY RUN.
We also want Aussie riders touring or living overseas to tell Macca about TOY RUNs where they are. In Canada for example, TOY RUNs are held in September and October due to the harsh winters.
The talkback number is 1300 700 222.
The show is about Australians and Australia. The host Macca, gets calls from all over the world, from all kinds of Aussies. He doesn't get many calls from motorcycle riders talking about what a great country this is to ride a bike in but.
We especially want riders to ring in about their local Christmas TOY RUN.
We also want Aussie riders touring or living overseas to tell Macca about TOY RUNs where they are. In Canada for example, TOY RUNs are held in September and October due to the harsh winters.
The talkback number is 1300 700 222.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
RACV gives very little to motorcycling and it
supports the discriminatory TAC tax. Royalauto runs far more bicycle stories
than it does motorcycle or scooter stories. Now's your chance to have a say.
Submit your feedback and pass this link on to as many riders as you
submit your feedback
would love to hear from you so we can continue to provide you with the best
service possible. Send us your feedback and we will endeavour to respond as soon
as we can.
Monday, 27 October 2014
Episode 2 - Sunday Nov 2 at 3 pm and Monday Nov 3 at 1.10 am on
Jonesy checks out a BMW for his shed and Ralph explains
why he rides with a disability around Perth.
Hirsty looks at the future of
custom motorcycling and checks out Darwin’s purpose built motorcycle centre.
examine how dirt drags started in WA
and get the good oil on Heavy Duty Magazine
and it’s venture into overseas tours and motorcycle television
plus we take a
closer look at the Queensland Anti-rights laws.
Check you local Guides for other repeats and variations during each
NB Episode 1 will air again on Sunday November 2 at 1
AUSTRALIAN RIDERS from across the country and overseas should ring MACCA over the coming month and tell him about your TOY RUN specifically or just the joys of touring OZ in general.
You might be Fred from Adelaide doing the Perth Charity Ride or Jan from Hobart who is doing the Vancouver TOY RUN this year. Or maybe you're Tim from Brisbane who is taking in the view from high on Mount Kosiosko. You get the idea.Who's MACCA?
Australia All Over. ABC Radio. Sunday Mornings. Do not admit you've never listened to it. Asio will hear and you'll be deported.The phone numbers are 02 8333 1020 or 02 8333 1500.The talkback line is 1300 700 222.Please get these numbers on facebook, twitter, websites, blogs whatever. There must be riders or X riders out there who have something positive to say about this great Australian Christmas tradition, the TOY RUN.DamienIRG
- The Independent Riders' Group - IRG PHILLIP ISLAND GP? I’M DONE WITH YOU.
Published on October 27th, 2014 | by Boris. The Independent Riders' Group - IRG Victorian Police & Governments attitude of targeting motorcycle riders unnecessarily continues. What would car drivers on route to Bathurst think if targeted this way? Many Victorian towns regionally benefit enormously from the thousands of motorcycle ...See More
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