Tuesday 19 August 2014


August 20, 2014.
Please pass this on as soon as possible and contact the media.


SPEED CAMERA Commissioner Lewis went on 3AW this morning calling for front ID for bike again.
Channel 7 Melbourne did an interview with me on front number plates for motorcycles & scooters at Mick Hone Suzuki.
I'll be on ABC Radio Ballarat tomorrow morning between 8.30 am and 9.30 am.
Camera Commissioner Gordon Lewis has a new report on traffic cameras. He claims 69% of photos of motorcycles and scooters taken while commiting an offence are rejected while only 4% of pictures of other vehicles are rejected. This is from a 10 month survey. What was not pushed on 3AW was that bike offences detected fell while the number of bikes on Victorian roads rose. That indicates an improvement in rider behaviour but you don't use that vilify riders.
This survey, says Commissioner Lewis, again indicates the need for front number plates on bikes to be re-introduced. This will effect all of Victoria's 326,000 licenced riders.
It is significant that the 2012 Parliamentary Inquiry into motorcycle & scooter safety DID NOT RECOMMEND FNPs.
Please get on to other media and offer strong objections to front number plates/stickers on bikes. In particular go for media in country Victoria.
Damien Codognotto OAM
Independent Riders Group
Mobile: 0419 846 855

GO SEE YOUR MP! Take these media releases to your local media. The Vic. election is on November 29, 2014.
For immediate release.
The 2012 Parliamentary Inquiry into motorcycle & scooter safety recommended the Transport Accident Commission's antibike tax (safety levy) be abolished.
In Opposition Denis Napthine MP called the TAC tax "unfair, discriminatory and bloody wrong".
In Opposition Terry Mulder MP promised to scrap "the unfair $53.90 Motorcycle Safety Levy".
In March 2014 the VACC "called on the Victorian Government to implement the outstanding recommendations of the Parliamentary Inquiry including abolishing the motorcycle safety levy.

Damien Codognotto OAM, Spokesman for the Independent Riders Group in Melbourne said. "This punitive tax targets riders across Victoria. It means $70 a year less to spend on protective gear. The only people for keeping it are at TAC."

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