Monday 23 June 2014



Dear Damien

Thank you for your letter regarding motorcycle and scooter policies in Victoria.

Victorian Labor believes that our roads should be enjoyed by all road users, be they motorists, motorcycle and scooter riders or cyclists. An important aspect of making our roads better for all users is appropriate legislation and adequate roads funding.

Lane Filtering

Victorian Labor supports the introduction of lane filtering on Victorian roads, to reduce congestion and improve safety for motorcycle and scooter riders. This was a recommendation of the cross-party Parliamentary Inquiry into Motorcycle Safety, however the Napthine Government has failed to address the issue and legalise the practice.

A Victorian Labor Government will introduce legislation to make lane filtering legal on Victorian roads, as it is soon to be in New South Wales and other parts of the world.

Motorcycle use of Bus Lanes

Reducing congestion and improving safety on our roads is of paramount importance. The utilization of bus lanes by motorcyclists has the possibility to both improve rider safety and lessen travel times.

VicRoads reported in its submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Motorcycle Safety that the 2011 Hoddle Street bus lane trial was ‘operating satisfactorily’.

A Victorian Labor Government would support the use of bus lanes by motorcyclists if it is proven that their use increases safety for road users and also lessens congestion.

Roads Funding

One of the most important aspects of ensuring safe roads is adequate roads funding. Unfortunately, the Napthine Government is underfunding roads maintenance across the state, allowing Victorian roads to fall into disrepair. Levels of road distress are at their highest for years.

A Victorian Labor Government will improve roads funding, by establishing a $2 billion roads fund for regional and suburban road improvements. This is guaranteed funding which will ensure better quality roads across Victoria.

Further Policies

Further roads and road safety policies will be released in the lead up to the November State Election.


Danielle Green MP,

Member for Yan Yean
Shadow Minister for Child Safety
Shadow Minister for Disability Services
Shadow Minister for Health Promotion
Shadow Minister for Women

PO Box 376, Diamond Creek, 3089
Ph:  9432 9782,  

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