Saturday 21 March 2015


Louise Lewis
Louise Lewis
Author, The Biker Book for Charity
Hi Damien!

Oh goodness, when I ever make it back down under, just open your window to hear me shouting it from the rooftops!

When you have a chance, the backstory to how the book got started is on the 'About' section of the book's Facebook Page. Here's that link: ...or simply search for The Biker Book for Charity.

To summarize:
The book was 'born' at the local children's hospital where I volunteer. Christmas 2006 I pulled a volunteer shift for the annual H.O.G. Chapter Toy Run. During the event, I had the honor of witnessing an interaction between a sick little boy and a "biker dude" (as the kids called them). That moment brought me to tears, and in the next moment I heard God say: "Your next book is on bikers."

I replied: OK.

I have interviewed 'regular' folks at several motorcycle rallies here in the U.S. and many motorcycle riding celebrities and other famous folks. Everyone is asked the same question: What is the meaning of life?

Part of the book's mission is to open the minds (and eye's) of outsiders to "stop judging a book by its cover" when it comes to the motorcycle community. I truly believe that when a person's mind is opened, their heart also opens. With an open heart, a person begins to look at "those people" differently/accurately. And with open eyes, a person will now SEE a rider(s) on the road...saving a life.

WHEN this puppy is published, I will work to get sponsors for the book so that I can donate books to motorcycle charity events. From there, the charity Event is in full control, meaning: The Event receives the books, sells the books, collects the money from the sales, and then donates the money to its charity of choice.

In other words, my hands will never touch the money raised by a motorcycle charity Event.

My personal efforts in selling the book will direct those net proceeds to children's charities.

For now, my literary agent is shopping the book for a publisher, hence why I live on social media building up the numbers in order to attract a publisher. As you know in business, it's all about the numbers.

So sorry for being long-winded, but my passion for the book's Mission is great. Hope I have provided you enough information for you to post.

Many thanks for your offer to help!

take care,
(the gal writing The Biker Book for Charity)

On 3/20/15, 6:38 PM, Damien Codognotto OAM wrote:
Hello Louise.

I'm glad you liked Melbourne. If you are back this way, give me some warning and I'll organise lunch with a few locals.

Let me have some info on The Biker Book for Charity and I'll plug it on our blog and facebook.

Just for interest there's a couple here who wrote a kids' book, Barry the Bike.


On 3/20/15, 8:29 AM, Louise Lewis wrote:
Hi Damien!

So kind of you to send this note, thank you!

I do love you Aussies and very much enjoyed my time in Melbourne, such a lovely city. I hope I can make it back down under!

Again, many thanks for reaching out...very much appreciate!

take care,
(the gal writing The Biker Book for Charity)

On 3/19/15, 9:57 PM, Damien Codognotto OAM wrote:
Hi Louise.

Nice to link up with you.
