Tuesday, 19 June 2018


From JUNE 1, 2018 the Independent Riders Group (IRG) is the Motorcycle Riders Association (MRA) in Victoria.

The original MRA was founded on Tuesday, May 16, 1978 in the lounge of the St Kilda Inn Hotel in St Kilda, a Melbourne inner suburb. The MRA grew rapidly and spread across Australia. 

The MRA grew rapidly. It was the right concept at the right time. There were seven branches, 52 sub-branches or registers and around 16,000 members in the late 1980s.

The Victorian Branch was closed in the 2000s. The IRG took over. The IRG was an informal group of concerned motorcyclists connected mainly by the internet. In 2018 the IRG had attracted over 500 members. The IRG membership included much of the original MRA's experience, expertise and contacts.

In May 2018 a survey of IRG members and associates was done to see if the majority wanted to go back to the MRA name which had far more brand power that the IRG. The survey indicated that the overwhelming majority wanted to be members of the "new" MRA in Victoria. 

The MRA in Victoria differs in many ways from the original MRA but the original aims are the same.

1.     Road Safety. 
2.     Fair and sensible laws. 
3.     A better image for riders.

Like the IRG the MRA in Victoria will not charge membership fees but it reserves the right to refuse a membership application or terminate a membership without explanation. Unfortunate but necessary given what white ants did to the original MRA. 

People who support the aims and work of the IRG/MRA and who want the IRG/MRA to represent them can join via the face book page or my email address or the PO Box in Doncaster Heights. We do not want a lot of detail. Just name, post code and email address.

The team that make the IRG/MRA work are not paid. These volunteers pay for events and activities out of their own pockets. Proceeds from sales of memorabilia and donations go to pay some expenses like stationary or venue costs. If there is a surplus it will go to the Father Bob Foundation to further Father Bob's work for the less fortunate in our community.

The new/old MRA has based its' logo and patch on a design from the 1980s. The patch is a circle 8cm across. It features a Tasmanian wedge tailed eagle in MRA colours, black & white. It also features the Australian colours, green & gold.

Patches will be available from July 16, 2018. They cost $25 each. Add $2 pack & post for up to five patches. Send your order the old fashioned way for now with a cheque or money order made out to The Independent Riders Group. Post the order to:

 PO Box 4330, Doncaster Heights, Vic. 3109.

Damien Codognotto OAM

Email: damienkcodognotto@gmail.com 


Mobile: 0419 846 855.

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