John Lambert and Alan Hood have influence in places like VicRoads and Hood seems to hate riders with an irrational, ill-informed passion.
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There's not a lot of use the parliamentary road safety committee can be with people like Alan Hood putting rubbish like this on influential forums like Linked In.
We have mandatory seat belts, collapsible steering, anti intrusion bars, progressive crumple rate body with minimum performance, exceptional braking standards, traction control, indicator lights in set positions to provide maximum warning to other drivers, and at the same time we hypocritically allow people not only to put on a helmet, and some leathers and sit on top of an engine in a motor cycle with a power to mass ratio and signalling inconsistent with the rest of the traffic flow, and dispassionately accept a high death and injury rate, burying it in the road death statistics for the entire transport system. Who is going to have the guts to start phasing this anomaly out?less