Monday 15 October 2012


Bloody oath Damien. Go for it.

I forgot to note the magazines' publication dates initially which means that if Motorcycle Trader should publish my letter, it might be too late to include the Rally. I woke up to it and didn't mention it to Old Bike Aust. as its current issue is just out. Feel free to use my words on the mentioned rallies and edit as you see fit if you choose.

Here's to ya..........Auss.

G'day Aussie.

Can I use this on my blog?


Hi folks.
Encouraging to see the motorcycle media highlighting the latest bits of outrageous discriminating bullshit aimed at motorcyclists. I was further galled by Negus from RACV  stating on national TV that motorcyclists should wear Day-glo vests. All these dicks who don't ride telling us how to!
I am forwarding this letter I wrote to Peter Ryan in July to hopefully encourage motorcyclists generally to stop whinging and write. Also be at the protest on 29th October, at noon in A'Becket Street Melbourne. As the saying goes; "Be loud and proud!" to make the bastards take notice. Remember the immense protest rallies in the 1980s when much was achieved in our finest hours. 
Here's to ya..........Aussie Sadler.
PO. Box 493,
Vic. 3931.
8000 bikes at Parliament House in Melbourne in 1986. Among other things this run won Victorian riders the right to park on footpaths, kept CTP insurance premiums down and help end the Yellow Brick Road.

From: A.Sadler 
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 4:04 PM
To: The Hon. Peter Ryan MP. Minister for Police.
Cc: The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP. Leader of the Opposition. 
Subject: Unsubstantiated law.
Dear Peter Ryan.
Snr. Sgt. Gore of Wangaratta Highway Patrol was quoted as saying at a forum, “Within 18 months the government will legislate that all your (motorcyclist’s) jackets have got to be this colour.” That is Dayglo lime green. I don’t know on what authority he states this, but I would like to know the research behind his statement. A compulsory “lights on” law with its horrific legal ramifications and lack of research was thrown out some years back. Seems it’s a case of “Here we go again.”
In my forty six years of riding motorcycles I have never been involved in a car/bike accident. Initially, believing in the “Be seen, be safe” motto, I wore a bright yellow jacket and had my light on at all times despite doing electrical damage to my early model motorcycles which were not suitably designed. I found that drivers generally treated me with disregard at best and at worst, blatant aggression. Following a near miss with a car crossing on my left in front of me AFTER we had made eye contact, I reviewed my strategy on the grounds that everyone sees and respects a black leather clad outlaw bikie. Since then I have worn dark leathers and momentarily turn the light on and off at my discretion when a situation calls. Coupled with a philosophy of, “Regard all car drivers as idiots” I’m still happily riding. I guess one could say that I have done my own unintentional research.
Snr. Sgt. Gore goes on to say that motorcyclists should do everything in their power to see they don’t fall off. I couldn’t agree more. However I fail to see what Dayglo jackets have to do with this statement. He also says, “If you don’t like this, stop riding motorcycles.” With such belligerence one could question his ability to uphold the law in a fair and just manner. I don’t need him to tell me what to wear or how to ride a motorcycle any more than he needs me to tell him how to be a policeman. Having said this, maybe some public relations counselling might not go astray. I would actually support less cameras and more police on our roads as well as more comprehensive rider AND driver training as is practiced in a number of European countries. I couldn’t believe the respect and road courtesy displayed when I was over there.
I sincerely hope that Snr. Sgt. Gore is wrong in his forecasting the introduction of this totally dictatorial, discriminating, useless law. I for one will face court action sooner than abide by it and I certainly won’t be giving up riding my motorcycle!
Aussie (Austin) Sadler. 
PO Box 493,
Vic. 3931.

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